
New features streamed right to your device.

  • Show navigation

    A screenshot of a zoomed-in episode page, with a toolbar at the bottom with a left arrow, the text "S04 E03", and a right arrow.

    We're making it easier to dive into shows.

    Seasons now have their own pages in the app! It'll now be easier to tell when you're on a season page or a show.

    We also added a floating toolbar to the bottom every episode and season page, allowing you to quickly jump to the previous or next one.

    And we couldn't forget about the gestures. Simply swipe left or right on an episode and season page to navigate to the previous or next one.

    New & improved


  • Website refresh

    The new website header, reading "TV is better with friends".

    When people asked us what Marathon was, we realized we didn't have a place to direct people for answers.

    Today, we're re-introducing the Marathon homepage with a fresh coat of paint! From our new site, you can now:

    • quickly access download links
    • read up on frequently asked questions
    • or check out the latest changes to the app.

    And of course, the web app is always available at /feed.


  • Feature requests

    A screenshot of the new Feature Requests screen, with the top request for Custom show posters.

    Have a feature idea for Marathon? You can now post, like, and comment on feature requests in our apps!

    If you post or comment on a feature request, you'll also get realtime updates as we work on it.

    We'll be picking your favorites to add to the app! 💚

    New & improved


  • Revamped notifications

    A screenshot of the new notifications screen, including a new comment from a user on a list titled "Superheroes".

    Starting today, we released a new design for your notifications screen.

    • Each notification now has a colored icon to signal what type it is.

    • Read notifications no longer are dimmed. Rather, unread notifications have a green dot next to them.

    • You no longer need to manually mark notifications as read — they will do so automatically.

    New & improved


  • Explore screen

    Two screenshots of the new Explore screen, one of the featured lists and one of the new browse filters for streaming service and release date.

    Discovery is an important aspect of Marathon and we just made it easier!

    The new Explore screen enables new ways of finding and browsing shows:

    • You can now browse shows by streaming services (and favorite ones you subscribe to).

    • You can also browse shows by genre or release date.

    • Below trending shows is a new section of featured content — check back every month for new lists!

    New & improved

  • Original languages

    A screenshot of the Marathon app, with a search using Korean characters that returns the show "Sweet Home".

    You can now search for shows using their original language name!

    The original name for the show is also available on the show page.

  • Change location

    A snippet of the streaming section on the Marathon app, with the location "United Kingdom" highlighted in blue.

    Find where you can stream shows locally in your home country 🌍

    You can now choose which country you're from in Marathon and we'll filter our data to present only streaming services available to you.

    New & improved

  • Rewatch

    The text "Everything is better on rewatch" in big font.

    We've been working hard on bringing this feature to you and are excited to announce today: rewatches are now officially supported!

    Ever wanted to log your progress for a show you've already seen? Well, now you can!

    To get started, tap the Rewatch button on a show page and create a new rewatch.

    From there, you can start logging your progress, add a note (like who you're watching it with), or start another rewatch.

    New & improved


  • One Year 💚

    A screenshot of Marathon for web with the caption "Welcome to the web."

    One year ago today, we launched Marathon to the world on iOS! In the year since, we've expanded to Android and seen over 7,000 new users join us for their television watching journey. Today, we're excited to deliver on folks' biggest request: Marathon for web. 💚

    You can now access Marathon on your biggest screen and have it sync to your phone. No matter where you're watching TV or who you're discussing with, you'll always have Marathon available.

    I wanted to take this time to thank everyone who has joined us along for this journey. One year is a long time, and we couldn't do it without your support. We read every piece of feedback you send in and are excited to deliver on the things you want. Expanding to web is just the first step — we've got big plans in store!

    We are a small team of one (hello! 👋) building Marathon in the after hours. If you'd like to support us, please donate to our Tip Jar or contact me at [email protected] for a larger investment.

    Until the next time, keep calm and Marathon on!

  • Polishing Week

    A search bar that reads "Search series", with a button to sort and three filters: Watching, Paused, and Stopped.

    Every so often, we like to spend some time polishing up the app. With so many features added so frequently, there's always the chance of "papercuts" making their way in. The goal of this update is to fix some of these little issues to make an overall better experience for you.

    Simpler Series

    Search, Sort, and Filter

    Unranked Lists

    Polish, Polish, Polish