What's New

See the latest from the social TV network.


Polishing Week

A search bar that reads "Search series", with a button to sort and three filters: Watching, Paused, and Stopped.

Every so often, we like to spend some time polishing up the app. With so many features added so frequently, there's always the chance of "papercuts" making their way in. The goal of this update is to fix some of these little issues to make an overall better experience for you.

Simpler Series

One of the core pages in Marathon is our series page, where you can add the series, browse seasons, and mark episodes as watched. Over time, this page has gotten a little bloated and difficult to understand.

With this latest update, we've simplified these pages so the content is easier to digest. You'll also notice that seasons now have their own individual posters to uniquely identify them!

If you have any feedback, please let us know using the Send Feedback form in the app settings.

Search, Sort, and Filter

Keeping the series train going, we've also made a few new improvements to the user profile page, namely merging your Watchlist and Watched pages. All of the series you have added now live under a single Series page.

To make it easier to find the series you're looking for, you can either type the name in the searchbar, filter the series by status, or sort by progress, name, or when you added it.

This is just our first step to making things easier to find in Marathon (we're looking at you next, Watching page!).

Unranked Lists

We can't go a release without adding a user-requested feature! This time 'round, we've made it possible for lists to be "unranked," thereby removing the numbers from the displayed list.

Polish, Polish, Polish

We've gone through the whole app with a fine-tooth comb and made a bunch of small improvements to make the app feel more polished 💅. Here's a full list of everything we touched:

  • User profile pages got a new header to account for usernames

  • List pages now show a beautiful preview at the top

  • Review pages now link to the reviewed media at the top, rather than after the review itself

  • Spoilery reviews will now show a blurred preview of the content

  • All of our "..." menus are now consistent across the app

  • Our tip jar link has been fixed!